/ Documentation /General/Regenerate Schema

Regenerate Schema

Schema Pro provides the advanced and powerful features of regenerating schema. This helps Google to scan your site schema quickly, further reducing your page load time.

Let’s understand more about this feature –

How Does It Work? 

Once you apply schema on your site, the Schema Pro plugin extracts this schema and stores it. When Google crawls your website this stored schema is served quickly. 

Every time user hits the page, instead of processing schema requests again, this saved schema is used. That reduces calls to the database and ultimately reduces the page load time.

All these activities carried out in the plugin backend and you don’t have to do anything to initiate it. So you are not able to see this process.

But you do get control and an option to Regenerate Schema whenever you wish. As the name suggests it is used to regenerate the stored schema. This is particularly helpful if you make frequent changes to the website and would want to make sure that your schema is up to date.

This is also one of the first troubleshooting steps that we follow in case there are errors that arise from testing and monitoring tools such as the Google Search Console or the Rich Snippets Checker from Google.

When This Option Can Be Used? 

  • In case you update the existing schema 
  • Add a new schema 
  • You update page/post content or any of the schema field

After such activities if you are not able to see changes in the schema or schema testing tool, try the ‘Regenerate Schema’ option.

Where to Find This Setting?

You will find this option under Settings > Schema Pro > Website Information > Regenerate Schema

Just click on the button and your schema will be refreshed automatically.


You don’t need to refresh schema until any post/page is manually updated or there are other changes in the schema. Once you hit the refresh button, it will clear all the stored schema. It is not recommended to refresh schema multiple times without making any changes.

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